The Crown of Æthelmearc chooses new Youth Combat Champions in a tournament held once each reign. Champions are chosen for their chivalry and comportment as well as prowess. The champions wear tabards and carry regalia of their office, and may process into court and stand with the Crown during court if they wish.
Champions by Reign
Murdoch and Ríoghnach (Spring 2024):
- Division 1: Walter of Thescorre
- Division 2: Jagged
- Division 3: Arinbjorn Lodenhodi
Andreas II and Kallista II (Spring 2023):
- Division 2: Felix
- Division 3: Ragnar inn raudi
Byron II and Ariella II (Spring 2022):
- Hjotr Sigvardison
Timothy IV and Gabrielle IV (fall 2019):
- Division 1: Arinbjorn Lodenhodi
- Division 2: Simon a Fjarfelli
- Division 3: Cormac MacConchobhaire
Gareth II and Juliana II (spring 2019):
- Division 1: Dylan of Thescorre
- Division 2: Fox
- Division 3: Beren
Anna Leigh (fall 2018):
- Division 1: Frytz Fluβmüllner
- Division 2: Carter of Thescorre
Sven and Siobhan (spring 2018):
- Division 1: Fritz (formerly Karl Kupferhelbelinc)
- Division 2: Simon A Fjarfelli
Gareth I and Juliana I (fall 2017):
- Division 1: Fritz (formerly Karl Kupferhelbelinc)
- Division 2: Fox
Timothy III and Gabrielle III (spring 2017):
- Division 1: Katrina
- Division 2: Fox
Marcus and Margerite (fall 2016):
- Division 1: Karl Kupferhelbelinc
- Division 2: Timothy the Younger
Byron and Ariella (spring 2016):
- El Tigre
TIndal II and Etain II (fall 2015):
- Division 1: Karl Kupferhelbelinc
- Division 2: Drake Magnusson
Timothy II and Gabrielle II (spring 2015):
- Division 1: Henry
- Division 2/3: Ulfr
Titus and Anna Leigh (fall 2014):
- Division 1: Otto Brandulfarson
- Division 2/3: Stephen
TIndal I and Etain I (spring 2014):
- Division 1: Henry
- Division 2/3: El Tigre
Timothy I and Gabrielle I (fall 2013):
- Division 1/2: Hunter Tawzer
- Division 3: Robert MacEwin of Thornhill
Maynard III and Liadain II (spring 2013):
- Brillo el Dragon
Khalek II and Branwyn II (fall 2012):
- Bran mac Dimmain
Andreas and Kallista (spring 2012):
- Division 1: El Tigre
- Division 2: Robert MacEwin of Thornhill
- Division 3: Aaron the Swift
Isenwulf and Rosalinda (fall 2011):
- Eiiden Abdul Salaam
Christopher III and Morgen III (spring 2011):
- Aaron the Swift
Duncan II and Ilish II (fall 2010):
- Division 2: Robert MacEwin of Thornhill
- Division 3: Aaron the Swift
Malcolm III and Tessa III (spring 2010):
- Rouland of Willowbrooke
Henri II and Elena (fall 2009):
- Rouland of Willowbrooke
Maynard II and Liadain I (spring 2009):
- Aaron the Swift
Christopher II and Morgen II (fall 2008):
- Rouland of Willowbrooke
Khalek I and Branwyn I (spring 2008):
- ??
Duncan I and Ilish I (fall 2007):
- Wolfgang von Carlson
Rurik III and Angelik II (spring 2007):
- Justinian
Christopher I and Morgen I (fall 2006):
- Lasher
Malcolm II and Tessa II (spring 2006):
- Finn of Thescorre
Robin and Isabeau (fall 2005):
- Julian of Thescorre
Malcolm I and Tessa I (spring 2005):
- William of Talbot’s Keep, first Kingdom Youth Combat Champion
Updated August 18, 2024